GREEN, Part 2: Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda
It's been quite some time from when I started part 1 of this mini blog series, partially because I was a bit busy, but mainly because I haven't done that much.
In the spring, I had great expectations of coming home from a run or bike ride and working on the garden. But then I always seemed to be behind on things or have something going on in the evening. Plus, I really didn't know what to do after I planted the seeds.
But, I (and Steve) have done a few things since May:
One: I bought my organic seeds at Krieger's and did some planting! I had to pick plants that only needed part sun, so I went with: kale, chives, parsley, and cilantro. I also ended up buying some tomato seeds, but I don't know if that is going to grow as they really need full sun.
Three- Once we has a few plants starting to sprout, we put the chicken wire around the garden box! Otherwise the deer would have gobbled everything up. We still did this a bit late however, as a certain furry 4 legged, black, white, and grey creature with, lucky for her, and adorable face, decided to play in the garden box and scattering some of the seeds.
It's tiny, but there is something growing! |
This required me taking yet another trip to Home Depot to buy more stakes. (We only bought 1 at first, not really knowing what we needed it for. As it turns out, we needed one for each side of the box- I should probably insert a "duh" here.)
This is where I came to my dilemma. I couldn't get the silly chicken wire to stay straight as I was trying to wrap it around the stakes, meaning it would crush the precious few sprouts we had growing. So, I laid it down and waited for Steve to come home :)
Eventually, we got it done! Steve isn't exactly happy with it as it's not the nicest looking thing in the world, but after checking out other people's gardens and their fences, ours really isn't that bad.
Pacer checking out what we were doing outside without her...
(The big green thing in the corner is an organic mint plant...I totally should have bought all plants for my first time around.)
This leads me to step four- weeding.
I still really wasn't exactly sure what I was growing, but I had an idea at least of what were weeds at this point. So I pulled those out, tried one plant that I was fairly sure wasn't a weed, found out it was cilantro and tasted pretty good, and dug out my note card that I had written earlier that told me what should be growing where.
And from here, I will continue hoping and praying that something grows and Steve and I didn't waste a ton of money on buying all the materials and organic dirt for a box.
It's right under the window to my dream room, so it should be getting some good, positive energy!
Hmmm...maybe I need to pick up my meditation practice more.... (it has definitely been lacking).
I guess we will see what happens in the next few weeks. I'd really love some kale!
Peace. Love. Grow.
-Rachel, the Green Thumb Wannabe
Pacer, on the lookout for squirrels and deer...I also gave her a bath after I was done gardening. She promptly ran away in the middle of it rolled around in the dirt, and then inside the garage. Eventually I got most of the soap off her.
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